
Usage is calculated on the last day of every month. For more information on usage data, visit the Usage Overview page.

Table 1: Overview
Item Value
Contributions: 9
Rank by Contributions: 14 / 129
First Contribution: 21 Nov 2009
Last Contribution: 15 Nov 2019
Citations on Contributions: -
Table 2: Simulation Tool Usage
# Tool Name Users served in last 12 months Simulation Runs in last 12 months Total users served Total Simulation Runs Citations Published On
1 Photo2Building 0 0 42 639 - 15 Nov 2019
Table 3: "and more" Usage
# Resource Title Users served in last 12 months Total users served Citations Published On
1 Modeling the Appearance and Behavior of Urban Spaces Publications 19 172 - 16 Jun 2011
2 Building Reconstruction using Manhattan-World Grammars Publications 10 37 - 14 Jun 2011
3 Interactive Design of Urban Spaces using Geometrical and Behavioral Modeling Publications 25 108 - 14 Jun 2011
4 Visualization of Simulated Urban Spaces: Inferring Parameterized Generation of Streets, Parcels, and Aerial Imagery Publications 13 25 - 14 Jun 2011
5 Interactive Example-Based Urban Layout Synthesis Publications 12 29 - 13 Jun 2011
6 Urban Ecosystem Design Publications 20 79 - 07 Jun 2011
7 CarolTest Online Presentations - - - 24 Nov 2010
8 Modeling the Appearance and Behavior of Urban Spaces Online Presentations 12 60 - 21 Nov 2009
TOTAL 111 510 0

* Total only includes versions of the tools this author contributed to.