Season-wise irrigated and rainfed crop areas for India around year 2005
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2015-01-15 19:02:45 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Gang Zhao, Stefan Siebert | doi:10.13019/M2CC71
Crop growing area and irrigated fraction for 21 crops in Kharif, Rabi and Zaid seasons for India around year 2005 in 500 m spatial resolution.
The Value of Water in US Agriculture: integrating spatially and temporally heterogeneous hydroclimatic and economic data
2023-06-05 03:02:45 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Iman Haqiqi | doi:10.13019/9MXE-T280
The gridded estimate of the value of water for irrigated agriculture in the United States for 75,651 grid cells (at 5 arc-min resolution) given the technology, prices, and weather conditions around the year 2010
A Gridded Price-Adjusted Quantity Index for Total Production of Crops for Irrigated and Rainfed Farms for the Contiguous U.S.
2023-06-05 03:01:34 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Iman Haqiqi, Laura Bowling, Sadia Jame, Uris Baldos, Jing Liu, Tom Hertel | doi:10.13019/RQ0D-JH17
Price-adjusted corn-equivalent index for total production and area for irrigated and rainfed farms for more than 75,000 grid cells over the continental United States calculated for years around 2010
Sigma Coefficient of Yield Volatility: A Global Dataset of Irrigated and Rainfed Corn Yield Volatility Based on NEX-GDDP-CMIP6
2024-09-24 17:54:27 | Datasets | Contributor(s): Iman Haqiqi | doi:10.13019/EYBP-QB57
This global dataset provides the estimated volatility of corn yields due to heat stress for 20 climate models in NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 data at 0.25-degree resolution.
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