Interview Tips For Weakness Interview Question

Interview tips for weakness interview question

1. Never mention your “fatal” weakness:
Don’t mention any of your weak points that may relate to the most important requirement of the Job. It is surely that if you mention it, you will limit your own opportunity to be employed.

2. Be sincere:
Don’t try to make up a weakness. If the employer does not believe in this weakness, he or she may ask you about other weaknesses.

3. Never say I have no weakness:
Nobody is perfect; therefore, you just cannot say you have no weakness. Moreover, when you say you have no weakness, the interviewer may think you are supercilious and lack of ability to learn.

4. Don’t mention minor weakness:
Certainly, too minor weakness will be of no value to the interviewer.

5. Don’t try to avoid the question:
This is a common question in any interview. It is the opportunity to prove your sincerity and the ability to learn and solve problems to the interviewer. Don’t make the interviewer think you are the person who always avoids problems.

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