

Workshop on Open-Source Analysis of SDGs at the Food-Water-Energy Nexus Using Global, Gridded Modeling

The United Nations Environment Programme has set forth 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the year 2030. This workshop will introduce participants to an open-source, easy-to-use, web-enabled modeling framework for analyzing the 9 SDGs that relate directly or indirectly to management of the world’s land, water, and energy-producing resources. These natural resources are already under intense pressure from rising global population and income. The complex relationships between food, energy, and water demand that these SDGs be viewed in a global context and pursued using a systems perspective, with local resolution. This poses a barrier to entry for high-quality analysis, suggesting a need for open-source, transparent, modular tools for modeling feedbacks between global and local scales and the impact of policies targeting the SDGs.

Date: November 9, 2018

Location: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Facilitators: David Johnson (Purdue University), Uris Lantz Baldos (Purdue University), Jungha Woo (Purdue University), Iman Haqiqi (Purdue University)

Conference web site:

Workshop documents (PDF files):

  • Background Readings
    • SIMPLE-G

    Liu, J., Hertel, T. W., Lammers, R. B., Prusevich, A., Baldos, U. L. C., Grogan, D. S., & Frolking, S. (2017). Achieving sustainable irrigation water withdrawals: global impacts on food security and land use. Environmental Research Letters, 12(10), 104009.


    Policy Brief 1: Global Drivers of Land and Water Sustainability Stresses at Mid-century

    Policy Brief 2: Productivity Growth is Key to Achieving Long Run Agricultural Sustainability

    Policy Brief 3: Evaluating Alternative Options for Managing Nitrogen Losses from Corn Production

Video Recordings:

  • Step by step guide using the SIMPLE-G tool
    • Introduction to SIMPLE-G Web Application: video
  • Step by step guide using the SIMPLE-G-US tool
    • Introduction to SIMPLE-G-US Web Application: video
    • PB1 scenario using SIMPLE-G-US: videoscript
    • PB2 scenario using SIMPLE-G-US: video
    • PB3 scenario using SIMPLE-G-US: videoscript

Other information: