
Ph.D. Student, Jaewoo Shin, Excels with

Jaewoo Shin, who joined in May 2014 as a graduate research assistant, has been a welcome addition to the team and has excelled in gaining practical experience to help him achieve his research and educational goals.

Shin’s primary role has been to work on the NSF funded Geospatial Data Analysis Building Blocks (GABBs) Project where he developed a geospatial data visualization library and multiple web applications/tools in HUBzero for domain scientists to easily manage, analyze and visualize geospatial data. Shin works with the project team on requirements analysis, service design, and back-end/front-end developments using innovative  frameworks and software technologies. Some of the projects that he has been involved with include: SIMPLE-G, AgMIP Tool, Climate Scenario Aggregator, Global Gridded Crop Model(GGCM) Evaluation Tool, PyMapLib, Weather Data Explorer, Hydroglobe and LeafSpec. To learn more about these projects, visit

In addition to the hands-on, interactive and practical experience of working with the GABBs Project, Shin also recently attended the PEARC18 conference in Pittsburgh, PA, and presented a technical poster. The poster entitled, “A Flexible, Cloud-based Sensor Data Service Platform,” was a collaborative effort with Purdue plant phenotyping researchers and members of the team. The objective of this research project was to “develop an integrated service platform for a diverse group of agriculture related communities to collect plant health sensing data and use it in predictive modeling, data analysis and decision support for not only ordinary farmers and agricultural researchers, but also the agricultural community such as Ag insurance, policy making, climate change monitoring, market prediction, etc.”

When asked what he gained from his experience at PEARC18, Shin noted that attendance at the conference helped him learn how to conduct and produce high quality research work. Shin said, “Wide-ranging research presentations and posters with a deep analysis gave invaluable insights for me to set my research and career paths. In addition, I was be able to see what researchers/companies are doing in recent days and share my thoughts with them.”

Shin completed his undergraduate degree at Stony Brook University where he studied Computer Science and came to Purdue in 2013, where he is currently completing his Ph.D. His research interests are based on in-memory parallel computations, specifically in indexing structures/techniques for geospatial data on distributed environments to maximize computing abilities. Shin aspires to work and research at a well-known reputable company or institute to continue to broaden his knowledge and professional and technical experience.

Comments on this entry

  1. Randy Bonnette

    I'm working on modeling and visualization projects at TAMUCC lab (Geospatial Data Analysis Building Blocks initiative). We are planning to publish our latest research on ResearchGate this summer. The materials are still pending review by our editor, Steve Osterson, but I'm also waiting for the official email from the Hydroshare administration to syndicate some of their articles too. Is it possible to include MyGeoHub resources into the appendix as well? Thank you.

    2015 Highlights of the Geospatial Data Analysis Building Blocks Project Papers.

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    Replying to Randy Bonnette

  2. Theodore Krause

    I am glad that Jaewoo Shin has done it. Experience is very important for today and I hope that this experience helps to be better in the future. I still waiting when you publish research and site distribute them for people.

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    Replying to Theodore Krause

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