Tags: water deficit

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  1. a reconstructed GRACE observation dataset for China (RECTWS-CHN)

    01 May 2020 | Datasets | Contributor(s):

    By Wenlong Jing

    Guangzhou Institute of Geography

    A long-term reconstructed TWSA dataset for China land area (RECTWS-CHN) based on the GRACE-observations.


  2. viona arnetha viona arnetha

    Hello, I'm Viona Arnetha. I am a student living in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am a fan of technology, music and design. I am also interested in developing and reading the web. You can visit my website...


  3. Water Deficit Viewer

    22 Jun 2009 | | Contributor(s):: Rao S Govindaraju, Shivam Tripathi, Dev Niyogi

    This viewer shows how much precipitation is required to recover from an existing drought and the probability of such recovery for a particular window for series of months.