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  1. irrigation
  1. Quantifying the uncertainties in estimating the heterogeneous effects of carbon taxes on labor, land, water, and fertilizer use in US agriculture

    17 May 2023 | Contributor(s): Iman Haqiqi

    Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the 2023 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC; July 23-25, 2023 Potential carbon taxes will have spatially heterogeneous impacts on agriculture. The magnitude of impacts depends on 1) the direct and...

  2. Graphical User Interface for the California Food-Energy-Water System (CALFEWS) simulation model

    04 Feb 2021 | Contributor(s): Andrew L Hamilton, Harrison Zeff, Keyvan Malek, Jonathan Herman, Jonathan Cohen, Josue Medellin-Azuara, Patrick M. Reed, Gregory W. Characklis

    Graphical User Interface for the California Food-Energy-Water System (CALFEWS) simulation model

  3. A review of global-local-global linkages in economic land-use/cover change models

    04 May 2019 | Contributor(s): Tom Hertel, Thales A P West, Jan Börner, Nelson Benjamin Villoria

    Global change drivers of land-use/cover change (LUCC) like population dynamics, economic development, and climate change are increasingly important to local sustainability studies, and can only be properly analyzed at fine-scales that capture local biophysical and socio-economic conditions. When...

  4. Using spatially explicit data to improve our understanding of land supply responses: An application to the cropland effects of global sustainable irrigation in the Americas

    09 Aug 2018 | Contributor(s): Nelson Benjamin Villoria, Jing Liu

    Land supply elasticities determine the rates of land conversion in global policy models. However, they are only available for few countries in the world. Therefore, analysts seeking to improve the spatial resolution of their models are forced to impose regionally homogeneous parameters...

  5. Metadata Exporter

    03 Apr 2018 | Contributor(s): Rajesh Kalyanam

    Export geospatial file metadata to the ISO-19115 standard


    20 Jul 2015 | Tools | Contributor(s): Jing Liu, Nelson Benjamin Villoria (contributor)

    A tool to aggregate cropland supply and land transformation elasticities

  7. SPAM in the Clouds

    25 Jul 2014 | Tools | Contributor(s): Liangzhi You, Ulrike Wood-Sichra, Jingyu Song, Nelson Benjamin Villoria, Paul Preckel, Jaewoo Shin, Lan Zhao

    Spatial Production Allocation Model (SPAM) 2005 Beta Version

  8. Assessing the Impacts of Climate Mitigation Policies on Poverty in Developing Countries

    01 Aug 2014 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Tom Hertel

    This is the presentation made to the African Agriculture GIS week conference.BioPrepared by Thomas Hertel with assistance from Zekarias Hussein, based on collaboration with Alla Golub, Ben Henderson, Pierre Gerber, Steve Rose and Brent SohngenCreditsFunding from the FAO and the Center for Global...

  9. Energy prices will play an important role in determining global land use in the twenty first century

    31 Jul 2014 | Publications | Contributor(s): Jevgenijs Steinbuks, Tom Hertel

    Global land use research to date has focused on quantifying uncertainty effects of three major drivers affecting competition for land: the uncertainty in energy and climate policies affecting competition between food and biofuels, the uncertainty of climate impacts on agriculture and forestry,...

  10. Assessing the Impacts of Climate Mitigation Policies on Poverty in Developing Countries

    31 Jul 2014 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Tom Hertel

    This is the presentation made to the African Agriculture GIS week conference.BioPrepared by Thomas Hertel with assistance from Zekarias Hussein, based on collaboration with Alla Golub, Ben Henderson, Pierre Gerber, Steve Rose and Brent SohngenCreditsFunding from the FAO and the Center for Global...

  11. Metadata for Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRU TS) 2.1

    16 May 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Lan Zhao

    The CRU TS 2.1 data-set comprises 1224 monthly grids of observed climate, for the period 1901-2002, and covering the global land surface at 0.5 degree resolution. There are nine climate variables available: daily mean, minimum and maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, precipitation, wet...

  12. Metadata for Harvested Area and Yields of 175 crops (M3-Crops Data)

    15 May 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Jake R Carlson

    This data collection is composed of land use data sets, generated by combining national, state, and county level census statistics along with a global data set of croplands from countries around the world for the year 2000. The resulting land use data sets depict circa the year 2000 the...

  13. Metadata for Indiana Stream Flow Data

    15 May 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Jake R Carlson

    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) daily streamflow dataset is the source of this dataset. Streamflow data are subjected to human interference, and therefore data contain both natural and regulated flows. This practice does not cause serious problems in flood frequency analysis (flows are...

  14. Metadata for Historical Averages of Precipitation and Temperature Data

    15 May 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Jake R Carlson

    This dataset is composed of plots of historical time series of average precipitation (measured in inches) and temperature (measured in fahrenheit degrees) data with five year tendencies for each climate division (CD) within Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Data are...

  15. Metadata for Indiana Hourly Precipitation Data (NCDC)

    15 May 2012 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Jake R Carlson

    This dataset contains hourly precipitation data from 144 COOP raingagues located in Indiana (NCDC TD3240 dataset). The main purpose of this dataset is to provide for at-site rainfall frequency analysis. Several data processing manners were taken:(1) For nearby stations with non-overlapping...

  16. A seasonal-scale climatological analysis correlating spring tornadic activity with antecedent fall–winter drought in the southeastern United States

    14 Jun 2011 | Publications | Contributor(s): Dev Niyogi

    Using rain gauge and satellite-based rainfall climatologies and the NOAA Storm PredictionCenter tornado database (1952–2007), this study found a statistically significant tendency forfall–winter drought conditions to be correlated with below-normal tornado days the followingspring in north...

  17. A copula-based joint deficit index for droughts

    31 Mar 2010 | Publications | Contributor(s): Rao S Govindaraju

    Current drought information is based on indices that do not capture the joint behaviors of hydrologic variables. To address this limitation, the potential of copulas in characterizing droughts from multiplevariables is explored in this study. Starting from the standardized index (SI) algorithm, a...

  18. Metadata and DRINET

    11 Dec 2009 | Online Presentations

    Jake Carlson, Purdue University Libraries

  19. A spatio-temporal drought analysis for the Midwestern US

    15 Jun 2009 | Publications | Contributor(s): Rao S Govindaraju, Dev Niyogi

    Droughts are prolonged abnormalities of moisture deficits that vary widely across temporal and spatial scales. Many hydrometeorologic variables are used to monitor the status of a drought. However, because of the dependence structure between all affecting variables under various temporal windows,...