RWater: A Cyber-enabled Data-Driven Tool for Enhancing Hydrology Education (Poster)
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Enhancing students’ analytical ability of interpreting complex hydrologic processes from limited classroom environment has been a subject of long-standing research. From this perspective, a novel internet-based educational tool, called RWater, is developed using Purdue University’s HUBzero technology. Following real-time hydrologic data-driven modules, students can write small scripts in R to create visualizations identifying the effect of rainfall distribution and watershed characteristics on runoff generation, and investigate the impacts of landuse and climatic change on streamflow response in actual locations. The overall experience from this tool can potentially improve students’ analytical ability of interpreting the ‘cause-and-effect’ relationships in hydrologic processes even from a limited classroom environment.
This poster was named for the People's Choice Award in the 2014 Ecological Science & Engineering Student Competition.
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