Extending Gateways into the Field: Geospatial Extensions and Remote Data Services

By Rob Campbell1, Lan Zhao1, Rajesh Kalyanam1, Carol Song1, Larry Biehl1

1. Purdue University

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Science gateways are generally accessed via web browsers from workstation or laptop computers. However , activities such as fieldwork and data collection have prompted an increasing call for new methods of access using a wide range of mobile and specialized devices. Our work to extend the HUBzero gateway framework with new access routes is described. Specifically, an emphasis is placed on enabling the flow of geospatial data and metadata between geo-enhanced HUBzero hubs and devices in the field.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • R. Campbell, L. Zhao, R. Kalyanam, C. X. Song, L. Biehl. "Extending Gateways into the Field: Geospatial Extensions and Remote Data Services" Gateways 2017, Ann Arbor, MI, November 23-25, 2017
  • Rob Campbell; Lan Zhao; Rajesh Kalyanam; Carol Song; Larry Biehl (2017), "Extending Gateways into the Field: Geospatial Extensions and Remote Data Services," https://mygeohub.org/resources/1366.

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