GeoBuilder - How to Share Sessions and Upload Your Own Data

By Abilene Thiele Concepcion Perez

Purdue University

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*Note that the number before each step is the time on the YouTube video below where it shows how each step is done. Click on "View Resource" on the top right to watch the video.

How to Share a Session

  1. [0:04] To share a session, scroll all the way down. Fill in the blanks as required. You can share it with specific people or groups.
  2. [0:12] Check "Read-Only" if you don't want viewers to make changes in the session.
  3. [0:16] Click "Share".


How to Upload Your Own Data 

  1. [0:07] Click on the gear icon on the top left.
  2. [0:09] Click "Upload" and locate the file you want to upload.
  3. [0:19] After clicking "Upload", there will be an alert that tells you where to locate your file within GeoBuilder. Remember what was said on here.
  4. [0:24] Click "Browse" and locate your file there based on the alert you got in the previous step. Once you've found the file, click "OK".

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Abilene Thiele Concepcion Perez (2016), "GeoBuilder - How to Share Sessions and Upload Your Own Data,"

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