Geographic Data Viewer

By Hou-Jen Ko

Purdue University

Geographic Data Viewer

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Archive Version 1.1
Published on 16 Mar 2015 All versions

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Geobuilder is an interactive user interface to configure the map associated with user's data including how to configure annotations, graphs, charts, photos and etc.


How to use (Step by step):

  •  After launching the tool, select File->Setup (as shown in the following figure) to pop up a setup menu.
  • The setup menu is shown below. It contains 5 steps to set up a geographic data viewer, including
  1. Choose marker color:
    Specify the marker color for geographic sites on the map.
  2. Set up station location:
    Step A: Select a csv file including geographical positions to draw geographic sites on the map. After selecting a csv file, the content of it will be shown in the preview table.
    Step B: Select column of latitude in the table.
    Step C: Select column of longitude in the table.
    Step D: Press "Save" upon completion.
  3. Set up sub-tables (optional):
    Support multiple csv files for data associated with geographic sites. Each row of the new column is the data in csv file associated with the corresponding geographic site.
    Step A: Create a new column in the table, or delete an existing column.
    Step B: Give column name for the current tab.
    Step C: Select the folder where the sub-tables locate.
    Step D: Specify file names for the sub-tables in the folder. The file name rule is [Prefix][String_of_a_column][Subfix].csv
    Step E: Press "Save" upon completion.
  4. Set up station annotation:
    Annotate information while the cursor moves over geographical sites on the map.
    Step A: Select column of site name in the table.
    Step B: Select column of site photo in the table.
    Step C: Select multiple columns of descriptions in the table.
    Step D: Press "Save" upon completion.
  5. Set up collective datasets upon selecting stations:
    Upon selecting geographical sites on the map, the tool will display various types of graphs to show the data.
    Step A: Create a new type of graph, or delete an existing one.
    Step B: Select graph type, including barchart, photo, and linechart.
    Step C-D: Select drawing method and columns in the table for drawing.
    Step E: Press "Save" upon completion.
  6. Press "Save" upon completion to deploy the configuration on the map.


Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Hou-Jen Ko (2014), "Geographic Data Viewer,"

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