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    When buying headphones, it is important to understand that any choice you make in some respects will be a compromise. Only the right priorities will allow you to find the optimal solution that meets the main requirements. It is conditionally possible to distinguish three criteria from which one will have to make a start. It's about availability, portability and, of course, sound quality.
    So, choosing the best sound quality implies a maximum price tag and the rejection of portability. You can check this best noise cancelling wireless ear phones. Likewise, an ultra-portable wireless headset will not provide better sound and is unlikely to be cheap. That is why it is important to select at least one of the criteria that you are willing to sacrifice.

    For use at work and at home, full-size headsets are usually purchased that provide full coverage of the auricle and the most comfortable fit on the head. This type is the best for long listening to music.
    You can also consider the overhead type headphones, which, due to the smaller cups, are usually smaller than the full-size ones. Auricle, they do not wrap, and overlap.