What is the best answer to my need of a black inkjet printer?

Since inkjet printers are typically cheaper than laser printers and they are also more versatile in their printing functions, it is best to buy an inkjet printer and just use the black ink if you only need to print black documents like texts and monochrome images.

But if you are after the cheaper print cost and more professional-grade output, laser monochrome printers are more advisable to use. Either way, the cost of using these printers and maintaining them are almost just the same.

Making the final decision really just depends on your personal preferences. Whichever printer you think really best fits all of your needs and desires, as long as it fits your budget, then you can say that it’s worth the investment.


A black inkjet printer may not be available as an exclusive monochrome device, but you can always use inkjet printers for black printing. You can also use laser printers if you just really want a single-ink printing device. Regardless of the specifications of the printer, if you think it can deliver all of your printing needs, then there’s no need to think twice about buying that printer.

Visit MyHomePrinters.com if you want to learn more about the best printers on the market for 2018

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