
Usage is calculated on the last day of every month. For more information on usage data, visit the Usage Overview page.

Table 1: Overview
Item Value
Contributions: 6
Rank by Contributions: 22 / 128
First Contribution: 17 Oct 2012
Last Contribution: 10 Dec 2013
Citations on Contributions: -
Table 2: Simulation Tool Usage
# Tool Name Users served in last 12 months Simulation Runs in last 12 months Total users served Total Simulation Runs Citations Published On
No data found.
Table 3: "and more" Usage
# Resource Title Users served in last 12 months Total users served Citations Published On
1 U2U Executive Summary (Nov 2013) Publications 15 63 - 10 Dec 2013
2 Stay In Touch Downloads 13 60 - 24 Sep 2013
3 Survey Examines Ag Advisors\' Use of Climate Information (press release) Publications 18 122 - 30 Apr 2013
4 National Initiatives Gauge Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change (press release) Publications 26 138 - 05 Mar 2013
5 U2U Progress Timeline (graphic) Downloads 33 93 - 08 Nov 2012
6 U2U Accomplishment Highlights (April 2011 - Sept 2012) Publications 14 45 - 17 Oct 2012
TOTAL 119 521 0

* Total only includes versions of the tools this author contributed to.