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  • Created 19 Nov 2018


Courses (1-4 of 4)
7 FAIR (Findable, Accessible Interoperable and Reusable) Climate and Water Science
Instructors: Matthew Huber, Venkatesh Merwade, Sayan Dey, Jibin Joseph, Qinqin Kong, Jaewoo Shin This online resource contains materials for teaching a undergraduate or graduate level course on the FAIR science principles and applications within the field of climate and water science.
22 Python for Environmental Research
Instructors: Andrew L Hamilton Teaching materials for an introduction to using Python for environmental research.
17 EAPS DataMine FAIR (Findable, Accessible Interoperable and Reusable) Climate Data Course
Instructors: Matthew Huber, Ilya Shunko This online resource contains materials for teaching an intro level undergraduate course on the FAIR science principles and applications within the field of climate and water science.
24 FAIR (Findable, Accessible Interoperable and Reusable) Climate and Water Science Copy - For TEST
Instructors: Matthew Huber, Venkatesh Merwade, Sayan Dey, Jibin Joseph, Qinqin Kong This online resource contains materials for teaching a undergraduate or graduate level course on the FAIR science principles and applications within the field of climate and water science.