PyMapLib Tutorial Tool
30 Aug 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Jaewoo Shin
Step-by-step tutorial for new users of PyMapLib library
Demonstration of the Crop Calendar Prototype using PyMapLib
12 Feb 2017 | | Contributor(s):: Carol Song
This short video demonstrates the concept of a crop calendar tool. This is only an early prototype. Further development will be necessary to meet the user requirements.
Flow Extent Viewer
21 Nov 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Jaewoo Shin
Flow Extent Viewer
PyMapLib for Rapid Development of Geospatial Data Analysis Tools
02 Aug 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Wei Wan, Lan Zhao, Jaewoo Shin, Shandian Zhe, Carol Song
This is the presentation at CyberGIS 2016 conference introducing pyMapLib, a generic Python mapping library developed as part of the NSF funded GABBS project.