Assessing the Impacts of Climate Mitigation Policies on Poverty in Developing Countries
01 Aug 2014 | Contributor(s):: Tom Hertel
This is the presentation made to the African Agriculture GIS week conference.BioPrepared by Thomas Hertel with assistance from Zekarias Hussein, based on collaboration with Alla Golub, Ben Henderson, Pierre Gerber, Steve Rose and Brent SohngenCreditsFunding from the FAO and the Center for Global...
Assessing the Impacts of Climate Mitigation Policies on Poverty in Developing Countries
31 Jul 2014 | Contributor(s):: Tom Hertel
This is the presentation made to the African Agriculture GIS week conference.BioPrepared by Thomas Hertel with assistance from Zekarias Hussein, based on collaboration with Alla Golub, Ben Henderson, Pierre Gerber, Steve Rose and Brent SohngenCreditsFunding from the FAO and the Center for Global...