New science of climate change impacts on agriculture implies higher social cost of carbon
22 Nov 2017 | Contributor(s):: Frances C. Moore, Uris Lantz C Baldos, Tom Hertel, Delavane Diaz
Despite substantial advances in climate change impact research in recent years, the scientific basis for damage functions in economic models used to calculate the social cost of carbon (SCC) is either undocumented, difficult to trace, or based on a small number of dated studies. Here we present...
The role of international trade in managing food security risks from climate change
20 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Uris Lantz C Baldos, Tom Hertel
International trade plays an important role in facilitating global food security in the face of a changing climate. In considering this issue, it is useful to distinguish between two different time scales: inter-annual and inter-decadal. Inter-annual adjustments in international trade can play an...
Climate change mitigation policies and poverty in developing countries
31 Jul 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Zekarias Hussein, Tom Hertel, Alla Golub
Mitigation of the potential impacts of climate change is one of the leading policy concerns of the 21st century. However, there continues to be heated debate about the nature, the content and, most importantly, the impact of the policy actions needed to limit greenhouse gas emissions. One...
National Initiatives Gauge Farmer Perceptions of Climate Change (press release)
05 Mar 2013 | | Contributor(s):: John Kriva, Melissa Widhalm