PEGASUS (Predicting Ecosystem Goods And Services Using Scenarios)
14 Jul 2014 | Tools | Contributor(s): Delphine, Navin Ramankutty, I Luk Kim, Rajesh Kalyanam
A GEOSHARE tool for conducting live simulations using PEGASUS (Predicting Ecosystem Goods And Services Using Scenarios)
U2U Poster - Oct 2012
27 Nov 2012 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Melissa Widhalm
This poster provides a general overview of the Useful to Usable (U2U) project. Anyone on the U2U team is welcome to present this poster at conferences or other venues. This hi-resolution pdf is ready for priting a 3 ft. (H) by 4 ft. (W) poster.
U2U Poster - May 2012
18 May 2012 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Melissa Widhalm
This poster provides a general overview of the Useful to Usable (U2U) project. Anyone on the U2U team is welcome to present this poster at conferences or other venues. This hi-resolution pdf is ready for priting a 3 ft. (H) by 4 ft. (W) poster.
Effects of Drought on Water Quality in Streams
08 Aug 2011 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Rashad Riley, Indrajeet Chaubey, Lan Zhao
A research poster presented at the DDAD2011 symposium. It describes the preliminary results of a study on drought impact on water quality conducted over the Massie Creek sub-watershed in Ohio. The Messie Creek data is now available on DRINET and access is through the iDATA tool.Rashad Riley1,...
DURI Summer Intern Project: Drought related data and tools: development and integration
08 Aug 2011 | Downloads | Contributor(s): Yuan Xia
A poster presented at the DURI student recognition luncheon, July 28, 2011. Yuan Xia, a junior from Computer Science, Purdue University, completed his summer internship with the Scientific Solutions group at RCAC. He helped integrated various maps and datasets into the DRINET. The live page can...
U2U Overview Presentation
03 Aug 2011 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Melissa Widhalm, Linda Prokopy
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the Useful to Usable (U2U) research project. Last updated Nov. 1, 2011.
U2U Poster - July 2011
22 Jul 2011 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Melissa Widhalm, Linda Prokopy
This poster provides a general overview of the Useful to Usable (U2U) project. Anyone on the U2U team is welcome to present this poster at conferences or other venues. This hi-resolution pdf is ready for priting a 3 ft. (H) by 4 ft. (W) poster.Thank you to our University of Wisconsin colleagues...
U2U Poster - July 2011
22 Jul 2011 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Melissa Widhalm, Linda Prokopy
This poster provides a general overview of the Useful to Usable (U2U) project. Anyone on the U2U team is welcome to present this poster at conferences or other venues. This hi-resolution pdf is ready for priting a 3 ft. (H) by 4 ft. (W) poster.Thank you to our University of Wisconsin colleagues...