AgMIP Tool: A GEOSHARE tool for aggregating outputs from the AgMIP's Global Gridded Crop Modeling Initiative (Ag-GRID)

By Nelson Benjamin Villoria, joshua elliott, Christoph Müller1, Jaewoo Shin2, Lan Zhao2

1. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research 2. Purdue University

Aggregate the yield shocks provided by the AgMIP project from their original 30x30 min resolution to any user specified level.

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Version 1.3 - published on 13 Mar 2019

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Simulation Users

345 in

Zoom 1y 6m 3m

12 28 39 42 44 51 53 57 58 64 67 66 71 71 73 75 76 82 86 90 95 99 103 106 111 115 118 121 122 123 127 128 132 139 139 141 145 150 151 154 156 158 163 164 167 169 169 173 175 182 187 192 192 196 199 203 207 211 216 219 220 224 228 230 232 235 239 240 241 247 250 251 255 257 259 260 261 263 266 270 279 279 279 281 282 285 285 288 290 290 290 291 296 296 296 298 302 302 304 304 305 305 308 312 313 314 317 318 322 323 324 328 329 329 334 335 339 342 342 343 345 345
Users By Organization Type
Type Users
Unknown 205 (71.43)
University / College Graduate Student 23 (8.01)
University / College Staff 23 (8.01)
University / College Faculty 12 (4.18)
Government Agency 9 (3.14)
Industry / Private Company 8 (2.79)
National Laboratory 3 (1.05)
University / College Undergraduate 2 (0.7)
Retired / Unemployed 1 (0.35)
Military 1 (0.35)
Users by Country of Residence
Country Users
Unknown 269 (78.89%)
UNITED STATES 50 (14.66%)
GERMANY 7 (2.05%)
Unknown 3 (0.88%)
ITALY 3 (0.88%)
COLOMBIA 2 (0.59%)
BRAZIL 2 (0.59%)
INDIA 2 (0.59%)
SINGAPORE 1 (0.29%)

Simulation Runs

71,706 in

Zoom 1y 6m 3m

426 1,825 2,029 2,138 2,240 2,352 2,378 4,811 4,965 5,144 5,332 5,284 5,563 5,813 12,790 16,631 19,534 20,378 20,472 20,994 21,057 21,646 22,128 22,194 22,384 22,650 23,101 23,136 23,158 23,192 23,345 23,387 23,429 23,446 23,616 23,625 23,812 24,508 24,899 25,220 25,239 25,296 26,330 26,387 26,422 26,448 26,457 26,574 26,901 28,091 28,460 42,459 56,205 59,841 59,869 60,329 60,438 60,651 60,749 63,674 63,889 64,004 64,023 64,031 64,112 64,160 64,195 64,242 64,246 64,283 64,305 64,325 64,351 64,362 64,382 64,393 64,476 64,511 64,533 64,634 64,967 65,098 65,115 65,156 65,171 65,200 65,485 65,569 65,589 65,592 65,601 67,578 67,837 67,837 67,837 67,859 68,163 69,053 69,072 69,072 69,198 69,215 69,313 70,320 70,470 70,493 70,521 70,526 70,561 70,573 70,583 70,601 71,235 71,258 71,420 71,658 71,677 71,688 71,697 71,702 71,706 71,706
Average Total
Wall Clock Time 34.78 minutes 607.69 days
CPU time 32.56 minutes 568.89 days
Interaction Time 17.64 minutes 308.23 days