
Geospatial Targeting of Irrigation Investment in Tanzania

By Jawoo Koo1, Hua Xie1, Liangzhi You1, zhe guo1, Jeffrey Dickinson1, Cindy Cox1


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This tool helps users to identify specific sites within the SAGCOT (Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania) area where new irrigation investments should target at 10 km spatial resolution. Users can interact with the map (showing the grid cells meeting the requirements, where the color indicates cropland area) and bar chart (showing the cropland area aggregated by administrative units) using the filters on the right sidebar. Note that if the map and chart disappear, this means nowhere in the area can meet the requirements defined by users; relax the requirements a bit to find the areas again.

Data sources: [Irrigated Area] from GMIA v5, [Groundwater Storage] by British Geological Survey, [Slope] from CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m, [Rice Yield] from SPAM 2005, [Use of Improved Variety] by HarvestChoice, and [Rural Poverty] by HarvestChoice.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Jawoo Koo; Hua Xie; Liangzhi You; zhe guo; Jeffrey Dickinson; Cindy Cox (2014), "Geospatial Targeting of Irrigation Investment in Tanzania,"

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