Expected WaterHUB Capabilities
- Decision tools for end users through a web browser interfaces
- Support for tool development
- User interfaces for tools and data applications, targeting research and public consumption of information
- Large disk storage for datasets
- Repository to store "scenarios" and an easy for users to search and find scenarios based on keywords
- Track usage of tools, contributions, online presentations, training and educational material, etc.
- Web browser access to the site's content by end users
- Support user interaction, including an easy way for users to provide feedback, comment and rank contents and tools
- Support potentially 10s of thousands of end users (e.g., farmers) making inquiries, browsing and downloading images, documents, and data
- Support user profiles
- Support online interactive tools and visualization delivered via web browser interfaces
- Facilitate user contributed tools, learning material, online presentation, podcasts, course related materials (assignments, projects, lectures)
- Work in progress to integrate large data management and access (being developed by DRINET hub)
- Support user reviews, rating, tagging, and profiles
- Support citation of contributions
- Support collaboration through sharing of tools, data, and other contents, group space (wiki, forum)
- Provide user support, including a ticket system, feedback, Q&A, knowledgebase, poll, etc.