What's New: Past Month

Knowledge Base feed

  1. Share a simulation session

    Have some interesting results from a simulation that you'd like someone else to see? Share the session!Enter one or more login names in the form beneath the tool session and click on the Share...


  2. Signed Applet

    If you are behind a network firewall that requires you to use a web proxy with your browser, your Java environment will also need to use a proxy to connect to tool sessions. The default security...


  3. What are groups?

    Work together with your colleaguesCreate a group to organize your interactions. Group members can:Post content that only other group members are allowed to seeExport their content to other web...


  4. Why do I get logged off automatically?

    If you do not check the Remember login box when you log in, the site will only keep you logged in for a short time. This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else. To stay logged in, check the...


  5. Why do I need Java?

    In order to access the simulation tools, you must have Java version 1.4 or later installed on your machine and enabled in your web browser. Note that Java is not the same as Javascript. Visit the...


  6. Why do I need to register at all?

    Registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users, including simulation tools, learning modules, and more. The registration process is completely automatic and...


  7. Why is Hispanic / Latino not a racial background choice?

    According to U.S. government guidelines, ethnic heritage and racial background are to be separate, distinct questions and responses. "Ethnic Heritage" defines membership in cultural groups such as...
