Tags: rainfed agriculture

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  1. A Gridded Economic Dataset of Aggregated Production of All Crops for Irrigated and Rainfed Farms for the Contiguous U.S.

    29 Jan 2023 | Contributor(s):: Iman Haqiqi

    AbstractIn this dataset, the production of all crops in each grid cell (5 arc-min) are aggregated into two crop composites: irrigated (QCROP_irr) and rainfed (QCROP_rfd). Each composite may have slightly different mix of crops with different prices, so a corn-equivalent index is generated for...

  2. GAEZ+_2015 Monthly Cropland Data: Global gridded monthly crop physical area for 26 irrigated and rainfed crops

    03 Feb 2021 | Datasets | Contributor(s):

    By Danielle Grogan1, Alexander Prusevich1, Steve Frolking1, Dominik Wisser2, Stanley Glidden1

    1. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space; University of New Hampshire 2. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations

    GAEZ+_2015 Monthly Cropland Data provides crop physical area by month on a global 5-minute grid for 26 crop categories by production system (irrigated and rainfed). Each crop can have up to 5...


  3. The role of irrigation in determining the global land use impacts of biofuels

    31 Jul 2014 | Contributor(s):: Farzad Taheripour, Tom Hertel, Jing Liu

    Background: Recent studies have evaluated the land use consequences of biofuel programs and the associated carbon fluxes. However, all of these studies have effectively ignored the distinction between rainfed and irrigated lands and neglected the facts that irrigated croplands typically have much...