Employability Skills

Creating personal responsibilities is critical in job performance, since most of the employers require somebody who can discharge their duties without supervision. Therefore, I will start by looking at my role profile of a super essay writer and the time that I am supposed to discharge my daily duties. I will also make it my personal responsibility to make sure that all my reports are submitted on time. I will also have to make sure that all my tasks conform to the policies and rules of organization. I will also take it upon myself to ensure that I discharge my contractual obligations before diverging into any other duties that are outside my role profile, like holding brief for someone. The complex problem in the development of personal responsibility comes in when you find out that you are a part of the team that is not cooperative or your boss is not supportive. This becomes challenging, since they are likely to be impediments to the achievement of goals and objectives.

Going by the above mentioned performance objectives, it is very simple for me to achieve these goals if there is enough support from the team I am dealing with, together with my immediate boss in terms of cooperation. It is very possible for me to deliver my reports in time and meet my daily performance target, since I am fit for the job due to my understanding of the processes involved in the discharge of my duties. The realistic improvement that I do propose is the fact that there has to be an emphasis on teamwork, since there is too much independence among the team I am working with others, lagging behind in terms of performance. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the company undertakes team building initiatives for bonding purposes among staff members.

The specific situation I have encountered in my line of duty is when I forwarded a report in a file to my colleague to proceed with the process, since it was his responsibility but, eventually, the file was reported missing long after the time for submission had expired. This situation is very bad, since it drags and brings everything to a standstill. It is, therefore, my recommendation for the company to abandon the manual file handling system and instead establish an online file system, where the transmission of such completed work will be electronically transmitted through email to where it is supposed to be. This will bring to an end the instances where files with information go missing, since it is easy to retrieve electronic files.

There are various motivational techniques that can be used to improve the quality of performance. The first one is for the organization to supply its staffs with food supplies and protective equipment, such as safety shoes, depending on the nature of their work. Another technique is where the organization can introduce bonuses as incentives for the workers at least twice a year. The company can also set performance targets upon which the successful staffs will be rewarded. Staff motivation is very important in encouraging staff performance. It is, therefore, necessary for the organization to provide a working environment that is full of incentives for the purposes of staff motivation.

Work based problems cannot be avoided. The solutions to such problems are first encouraging teamwork and cooperation among workers. This will establish a strong bond at the workplace and, as such, there will be minimum instances of occurrence of problems at the workplace. The second one is to encourage solving of the work-related problems at the department level, instead of escalating them for disciplinary action. Another way of sorting out problems at work place is emphasizing on ethical behavior among employees and, as such, they will be able to respect each other. Another solution is for workers to concentrate on their role profiles and avoid interfering with activities of others.

The first problem is when some workers interfere with the work of others. The solution for this is to make sure that every member of staff keeps his or her duty post, since this causes discord among the workers, as they interfere with the work pattern of others. Another problem at the work place is when some workers get to misuse the equipment and machines at work place and take the other people’s in place, hence causing chaos. This can be sorted out by every worker, being assigned to his specific tools and equipment, such as the computer, desk and chair and take responsibility for the items allocated to him/her. There are those workers who cause problems to others by accessing and watching some obscene sites at workplace, such as pornography to the detriment of others. The solution is disabling such sites completely from access.

This company has very effective time management strategy. The first one being the fact that most of the reports are supposed to be submitted on an hourly basis, so the workers are encouraged to do everything possible to submit their reports on time failure to which it becomes a disciplinary matter. Another strategy for effective time management is the fact that there is a biometric system, where workers have to log in, while reporting to work and do the same while leaving. This ensures that there are no incidences of late coming or leaving of work premises. Another strategy is that most of the correspondences are through email and so no time is lost on physical movements and the meals are served within the premises to avoid time wastage.

Teamwork is critical in the working environment, since no worker can exist independent of others. To begin with, as a team, we have been able to be creative, imaginative and able to solve problems that had proved to be very difficult. This is a very important aspect in an organizational set up. Team work promotes cooperation and exchange of ideas. Team works can work together to solve the individual problem, affecting each one of them at the workplace. Team work is also crucial in developing an environment where there is free exchange of ideas and cooperation, hence bonding at the workplace. Another way in which teams can work together to achieve the objectives of the company is to ensure that there is no time wastage and that members stick to the policies, goals and objectives of the company and also create refresher meetings for teams to be reminded of what is expected of them.

Team dynamics are the behaviors that influence performance of workers who do the similar tasks in the company. Team dynamics have the potential of impacting either negatively or positively on the company’s productivity. At my workplace, the members of a particular team are subjected to similar treatment in terms of salary and other work related benefits. This is very important, as it has achieved a lot in ensuring that there is increased productivity among the team members, as a result of equal treatment. Also, people with similar skills are put in the same group to enhance productivity.

Alternative ways to complete a task and achieve the goals at my workplace would be to subject various assignments to teams, as opposed to individuals. This is because team work has proved to be very effective at the workplace and, as such, the objectives and set goals of the company are met with ease. This is because team work presents a blend of ideas and, as such, things are simplified and accomplished faster. Another alternative to achieve the goals at work is through the introduction of two shifts, where some employees work during daytime, while others at night in a shift pattern, so that the production process becomes continuous. Another alternative is for the task to be subdivided among teams, as opposed to individual tasks.

The major issue to me, as a manager, is lateness at work. Many workers find it hard to get to work on time. They attribute their lateness to the fact that their places of residence are far away and, as such, they are faced with traffic during morning hours. This has badly affected the productivity of organization, since most of the morning tasks are always delayed by about two or three hours. The company is ought to devise ways of building staff quotas to avert this situation. This will be able to move workers closer to the company for timely reporting.

Since it is very obvious that the lateness among staff in the morning reporting time is ascribed to the fact that there is too much road traffic that is causing snarl up, it is proper for the company to build houses for the workers closer to the company premises. This will be costly but will be of great help, since most of the time is wasted in the morning and, as such, it impacts on the productivity due to the late reporting at work. It is, therefore, prudent for the business to make sure that there is an established staff quota, where all the workers will be accommodated, so that they can be able to report to work on time.  

Establishment of staff houses close to the business premises is a good strategy that has potential impacts, despite its viability. The first impact is that the staff members who will have to occupy the houses will be deprived of their full house allowance and this is likely to cause uproar. The second potential impact is that the company is going to spend too much space and capital on the establishment of staff houses. Implementing this strategy will also take time, since it cannot be done overnight. Upon the implementation of this strategy, the company will stand to benefit, since the time that is usually lost during the morning hours will have been saved, resulting in increased productivity.

  1. Candidate Skills
  2. career
  3. work

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