Transforming Climate Variability and
Change Information for Cereal Crop Producers
January 2016
Evaluating an Interdisciplinary Effort to Create and Promote Ag/Climate Decision Support Tools
January 2015
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Dr. Linda Prokopy provides a review of research on farmer adoption of behavior and provides examples of how the U2U project is using social science to improve decision support tool design, uptake and evaluation.
November 2015
The U2U team hosted a special session at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting focused on the Useful to Usable project. In total there are 8 presentations available in this session.
November 2014
Dr. Stuart Carlton looks at how the 2012 Midwestern drought affected ag advisors' climate risk perceptions, climate change beliefs, and adaptation attitude.
November 2014
A brief overview of currently available and upcoming U2U decision support tools.
June 2014
U2U Decision Support Tool for Corn Growing Degree Days
Impact of ENSO/AO on Climate and Yields across the Corn Belt
Using Climate and Crop Models for Regional Agro-Climate Assessments
February 2014
A brief overview of U2U project objectives, background, and team members.
April 2013
A brief overview of U2U project objectives, background, and team members.
March 2013
Dr. Linda S. Prokopy, U2U Project Director, shares results of farmer and advisor surveys completed in 2012 at the Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture Workshop
November 2011
Dr. Eugene Takle, Director of the Climate Science Program at Iowa State and U2U Co-Project Investigator, discusses trends in climate and ways Midwestern farmers are responding to climate change.