==SIMPLEG-WBM coupling == === Current status === * Now you can run a series of Singularity containers automatically by submitting a job script from Terminal. * The script runs four Singularity containers sequentially and uses previous stage's outputs * Step 4 ( SIMPLEG_to_WBM container) has some issues. We are looking into the issue now. [[Image(coupling_flow.jpg, desc="Submit workflows and inputs/outputs. Red highlighted files are not generated correctly as of 10/19/2021. ")]] Most recent status document is available at [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xqOf9TrTKhif3ieuS-bc3gqlqx52jwFFL-zrzQdIv8g/edit?usp=sharing WBM-SIMPLEG coupling status] == Set up an environment to run coupled models == Singularity containers and their inputs are available at ''/depot/ssg/geoshare/data/GLASS/INFEWS/SIMPLEG_WBM_COUPLING'' directory. [[BR]] Please make sure you have READ privilege to that directory. Otherwise the script will fail. [[BR]] The following script will copy all necessary files to Brown's scratch space, namely ''/scratch/brown/$USER/SIMPLEG_WBM_COUPLING''. [[BR]] Here ''$USER'' stands for your account. {{{ wooj@brown-fe02:~$ /depot/ssg/geoshare/data/GLASS/INFEWS/setup_wbm_simpleg_env.sh }}} Please copy/paste this command to the terminal and execute it.[[BR]] This may take long as it copies about 40GB zip files and uncompress them. [[BR]] Once the set up is done, you will see these directories under ''/scratch/brown/$USER/''[[BR]] [[Image(SIMPLEG_WBM_COUPLING_directory.jpg, desc="Subdirectories under SIMPLEG_WBM_COUPLING folder")]] == Submit a job == Log and error files are created at the directory where the submit executable is called. [[BR]] Please look into "slurm-jobid.out" file for investigating errors. [[BR]] {{{ wooj@brown-fe02:~$ sbatch /scratch/brown/wooj/SIMPLEG_WBM_COUPLING/submit/simpleg-wbm.sub Submitted batch job 12837875 }}} === Checking status of a job === [[Image(jobstatus_check.jpg, desc="Job status is shown as 'Running' or 'R' at the ST (Status) column ")]] == Submit file == === The sequence submit file executes containers === One iteration consist of four steps. The script finishes after a single iteration. [[BR]] Multiple iterations can be done by modifying ''for loop'' in the script later. [[BR]] For example, to run three iterations, script can be updated to [[BR]] {{{ for i in 1 2 3 }}} # WBM Singularity container * WBM container's output is written under wbm_output directory, not job-specific directory. # WBM to SIMPLEG Singularity container * It reads daily files and aggregates them into yearly resolution. * Start year and end year are currently hard-coded to 2000-2002. These will be configurable soon. # SIMPLEG Singularity container * Each iteration's output is written to job specific directory such as Iteration_1_S3 or Iteration_2_S3 ... # SIMPLEG to WBM container * It is having some issues creating three netcdf files (s1_rice_irr_fr_av.nc and so on) * Its output is directly written to WBM's input directory [[Image(submitfile.jpg, , desc="A submit file executing four containers sequentially. If you want to run a specific step only, comment out the others with '#' at the beginning of the line "))]] == Editing submit file == * If you want to execute a certain Singularity only, comment out the other steps. * DO NOT forget to replace the $SLURM_ID with the actual job id you want to refer to. * Please contact Jungha Woo (wooj@purdue.edu) for any questions.